Dear Jean Pierre,

Thanks for the life and career changing help. Your meditation advice and your tape on visualization has become a part of my life, which is as important to me as the pads I wear to play football on Sundays.

When Sports Illustrated asked what really changed my attitude and career direction, I couldn’t help but mention you and your invaluable contribution. I look forward to talking to you soon.

Michael StrahanNFL Football Player
New York Giants Defensive End

The following is a reprint from Sports Illustrated

The night before the game against the Cardinals, Michael Strahan fell asleep to the (Jean Pierre) tape. “It was amazing,” he says. “I woke up (the next morning) and felt I could run through a wall.” “I can hear Jean Pierre’s voice telling me: “You will wake up feeling incredibly rich and refreshed, full of power. Michael will listen to his motivational tape again on the night before the biggest game of his life, but he really won’t need to. He can hear Marques’s voice. It has become his voice: “You will wake up feeling incredibly rich and refreshed, full of power!”

Reprinted by permission of Sports Illustrated Magazine.

“It was miraculous!  It changed my life.”

William S.Weymouth, MA

“Thanks so much!  That was an amazing experience.  I really learned a lot about myself!”

Polly D.Studio City, CA

“I greatly appreciate the workshop.  I had never understood the relationship between the mind and the body.  Your personality made the class.”

Donna B.Macdoel, CA

“It was a powerful course.  You’ve shown me the path to my own power and the importance of not giving it away.  I will use my power. Thank you.”

Trish D.Lawrenceville, N. J.

“The workshop was absolutely transforming!  I can’t wait to get back home and incorporate the mind/breathing techniques into my daily routine.”

Becky K.

“I must say that before the seminar, I was a skeptic as to my ability to meditate.  You have proven me wrong – I cannot wait to practice.  You have wonderful things to teach.  Thank you.”

Emily M.Seattle, WA

“Just a note to thank you for helping me change my life… I feel stronger, healthier… my life is so wonderful… because of your help, thank you!”

Nora H.