“When I paint I am in a deep state of awareness, I am in another world, another dimension.  I am guided from an invisible force.  My mind and body are totally relaxed and as one.  Coming from that guided invisible force my creativity flows like a rushing river reaching her goal toward a calming sea.  Some paintings come instantly, some take a few hours to a few days and some take a few months depending on when I receive the inspiration of what the painting tells me to do.  When the painting is finished I have a wonderful feeling of bliss, an amazing beautiful silence within me   that turns to  an exciting desire to share it with the world.”

 – Jean Pierre Marques

Born to Paint

Jean Pierre, French born, has always been drawn to color and to the beauty and wonder of nature.  Painting since he was a young child, he developed a unique style of working with different mediums that are inspired by vibrant colors.  He found his artistic direction as a child from the influence of an uncle, and he began to sell his paintings at a very young age.   Jean Pierre is a Master of Yoga, Meditation/Breathing, Tai Chi and Martial Arts for over 45 years and is considered a pioneer in the mind/body field. He is also a Behavioral Therapist.  Jean Pierre’s style is one of passion of beauty, spirit and happiness.  Using a unique layering of inks and acrylics, his use of color is unique and exquisite.  Jean Pierre is able to integrate art and life through his meditative painting. He has developed an amazing and enduring system of combining bright colors with dark ones, warm with cool.  The artist says his paintings shows us how it’s possible for the world, with all its different races, religions and colors, to be in perfect harmony with each other and the universe. Jean Pierre has participated in exhibitions nationally and internationally.  His work has been sold to private collectors all over the world.

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